Twitter will now let its paid users write longer tweets, ranging up to 4,000 characters, as per its latest announcement on Wednesday. This is a massive improvement over the existing 280-character limit. The new character range also applies to replies and quote tweets.
The non-paying users can also interact with these long tweets by replying to them, quoting them, or retweeting them.
Twitter also mentioned that along with longer tweets, the subscribers of Twitter Blue could also post images and videos alongside their tweets.
While the new character range is only limited to paid users, all other users can view these long tweets. According to the new format, they’ll only be shown the first 280 characters on their timeline. To read more, they’ll have to click on the “Show More” button.
Twitter also added that it would soon reduce the number of ads to almost half for its paid users. CEO Elon Musk previously talked about his plans to add a costlier subscription plan for an ad-free experience.
The Twitter Blue feature also expanded to India, Brazil, and Indonesia, which brings up the market total of Twitter’s products to 15.
Currently, Twitter Blue is priced at $7.87 per month, much higher than the other paid social media subscriptions in the market. For instance, Spotify, YouTube Premium, and Apple Music are all priced at less than $4/month.
The latest launch has garnered an interesting reaction from users, most of whom see this new update as unnecessary. The common concern among all tweets seems to be the fact that Twitter’s biggest USP lies in its concise posts.
Increasing the character limit to 4,000 will only let the people use every tweet as an opportunity to rant or give unnecessary speeches, making it almost similar to other social media platforms.