Ukraine Used UK Cruise Missiles to Destroy Russian Kilo Submarine and Landing Ship in Dry Dock

Ukraine Used UK Cruise Missiles to Destroy Russian Kilo Submarine and Landing Ship in Dry Dock

Ukraine used ten UK Storm Shadow cruise missiles to destroy a Russian Kilo Submarine and a landing ship in a Sevastopol dry dock. They were on land in dry dock for repairs. Ukraine fired ten missiles and three got through.

Ukraine had taken out a S-400 anti-missile battery in north western Crimea and occupied two oil platforms. This opened up a window for Ukrainian missiles to get through to hit Sevastopol.

There have been recent reports that Ukraine was angered that they could not attack Russian ships anchored in Sevastopol with explosives in drone submarines last year. Now, Ukraine has destroyed a submarine and ship in Russia’s Black Sea fleet using cruise missiles given to them by the UK.

The Starlink system control over Ukraine and Crimea was handed over to the Pentagon. There is a report that the Starlink system over Crimea had an outage at about the same time as this Ukraine attack. However, the UK Storm shadow missiles do not need Starlink communications. This proves that Nextbigfuture was correct when I said that if the US or UK military wanted to let Ukraine attack the Russian Black Sea fleet that they could give Ukraine that capability. It is not up to the CEO of commercial businesses to give weapons or the capability for military action. Otherwise, Ukraine could call up the CEO of Lockheed and ask for a bunch of F-35 fighter jets.

The Storm Shadow cruise missiles costs about 2 million pounds each. They are long range missiles developed by the UK and France. They weight 1300 kilograms each. It has two warheads in each. One warhead break opens a hardened defense and the next destroys the target. It can go through 2 to four meters of concrete.

Russia has 11–12 original Kilo-class submarines (Project 877) and 10 9 Improved Kilo-class submarines (Project 636.3). Two additional Improved Kilo-class submarines are on order for the Pacific Fleet and are expected to be delivered in 2023–2024.

Rostov na Donu was a diesel-electric submarine of the improved Project 636.3 class of modern Russian ships. This was a $300 million submarine.

The Minsk was a Ropucha-class landing ship of the Russian Navy.

The Kilo-class submarine is a diesel-electric submarine that has been one of the most successful naval programs in modern history.

There is also discussion about a distraction attack using suicide explosive ship drones. They then launched some S-200 missiles to allow them to identify the Russian air defense. Ukraine launched anti-radar missiles to blind the air defense and then they launched the Storm Shadow missiles.

This shows that the Russian S-400 systems are fairly sophisticated and effective. It shows that multi-pronged missile attacks can overwhelm the defense systems. A regular S-400 battalion consists of up to eight launchers with 32 missiles and a mobile command post. TASS reported that as of the end of 2015, a total of eleven Russian missile regiments were armed with S-400, and by the end of 2016 their number was expected to increase to sixteen. In 2012, it cost of US$200 million for a battery and reserve missiles. Russia was exporting systems in 2021 for a cost of US$500 – US$625 million for a battery and reserve missiles.

China has at least six batteries of S-400.

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