Want to add a little luxury to your morning? Consider the lobster omelet

Want to add a little luxury to your morning? Consider the lobster omelet


Made with real butter and so much parmesan cheese, this breakfast has become my cheat day standby

Published September 11, 2023 5:45PM (EDT)

Omelet(Getty Images/Kryssia Campos)

Look, I’m on some form of a diet just like everyone else on the planet at one point or another. And I actually made it past that really tough time during the second week of semi-starvation when I checked the scale only to find out that I gained a pound. But I’m here, I’m fighting and sticking to the challenge of healthy weight loss.

The most powerful part of my dieting journey comes in those glaring moments where I get to be unapologetically honest, like now. Dieting sucks, it’s horrible and boring and there is no way in hell that you are going to convince me that kale and spinach and skinless, saltless chicken and drinking 200 ounces of water a day is fun.

Being able to admit this makes everything okay.

You know what else makes everything okay? Cheat days. Cheat days are God in the form of a Thursday (or whichever day you choose; mine is Thursday). On that glorious day, you can be reunited with all of the beautiful and crappy and delicious and addictive grub that forced you to diet in the first place. So, on this Thursday, I’ll revisit my Luxury Lobster Omelet. Won’t you come?

The Luxury Lobster Omelette should really be called the Luxury Lobster-Crab Omelet, because I do add jumbo lump, but only as a garnish. I created this in my early 20s after having a crappy lobster omelet at a local restaurant. This dish still makes me grin from ear to ear at its very thought.


Real butter (nothing healthy)

3 eggs

2 Tablespoons of half and half

1 steamed and chopped lobster tail

½ cup of diced spinach

½ cup of diced tomato

1 cup of steamed jumbo lump crabmeat

Sea salt, to taste

Black pepper, to taste

Red pepper, to taste

A healthy supply of shaved parmesan cheese


  1. Prep first by whisking the eggs with the peppers and salt, then measuring out the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Place a ridiculous amount of butter into a small pan. Melt over medium-low heat until it begins to puddle.
  3. As the butter melts, pour the half and half into the eggs, whip again and pour into the pan. Give the eggs a minute or so to form before adding the lobster, spinach and tomato evenly across.
  4. After those ingredients are equally distributed, cover them all with parmesan. So much parmesan that you can’t see the other ingredients anymore.
  5. Now your eggs should be ready to fold and flip. If you prefer your omelets lightly browned, then continue to cook and fold again–– it should go from a D shape to a kind of egg log.
  6. Remove the beautiful omelet  from your pan and garnish it with the jumbo lump crab meat, and yes, more shaved parmesan. Serve with a green salad because you won’t have room for potatoes.

By D. Watkins

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