Super Typhoon Haikui Claims 7 Lives in Guangxi

Eight days after the landfall of Super Typhoon Haikui, which wreaked havoc in Guangdong, the storm continues to affect the Guangxi region, resulting in at least seven fatalities and three individuals reported missing.

According to reports from the city of Yulin, Guangxi, the typhoon has triggered multiple landslides in the province, as well as causing flash floods in some areas due to persistent heavy rainfall.



_20230912172313.jpgThe chaos caused by Super Typhoon Haikui in Guangxi. Images via 玉林发布/WeChat

Local meteorological authorities have predicted that Super Typhoon Haikui will gradually dissipate by September 13. 

READ MORE: Super Typhoon Haikui Sees Animals Swimming the Streets

READ MORE: How to Track Typhoons Hitting China on WeChat and Web

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[Cover image via NIAID-RML]

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