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Born and raised in Guatemala, Johana began her journey at the age of ten, communicating with spirit and channeling energy to heal others. Johana speaks a language that few can understand, but it is universal to all. She has shared her abilities as a teacher, a missionary (serving orphanages), and a child advocate for families who have suffered torture and abuse. These experiences have, in turn, given her the unique opportunity to integrate a wide range of inner-healing practices. As a fitness coach with a yoga certification, she also understands the mechanics of the physical body and how they impact a person’s energetic field.

Johana is a multi-intuitive shamanic healer. She connects directly with Spirit and your higher self to identify the blocks and barriers that impede your soul growth and stand in the way of a joyful, purposeful life. She facilitates healing on all levels of the body (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) through spiritual surgeries, past life, and karma clearing, therapeutic touch, or energy healing. She also teaches you how to connect to your physical body using breathing and movement techniques to harmonize your vibrations and maintain stability within your energetic field.

Her heart-centered, multi-dimensional approach integrates and restores the balance of your energy through your whole self so you can release that which does not serve you and embrace the higher potential within yourself.


DATE: Nov 15, 2020

HOST: Kevin Moore

GUEST: Johana Probst

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