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Eugenia Oganova is a Transcension mentor and the founder of the TRANSCENSION GATE – a multidimensional hub and an educational portal that acts as a catalyst for planetary ascension. Born CLAIRVOYANT and telepathically linked to Universal Intelligence, Eugenia teaches TRANSCENSION, walking the Spiral Path, and practical steps into SELF-MASTERY. Eugenia’s teachings are a composite of her personal knowledge and direct telepathic communications with the Solar Council, Kadishtu Guardians, and many other multidimensional bits of intelligence.

Eugenia Oganova is a BEST-SELLING AUTHOR of “Mission Alpha - The Wise and Passionate You” (a MANUAL for human ENERGY-ANATOMY), “Awakening the Harmony Within – How to Create with Spirit” (a comprehensive and practical explanation of how to take charge of your Personal Reality), and “The Secret of Sekhmet – Why Akhenaten Challenged the Gods of Egypt” (a paranormal historical mystery novel based on Eugenia’s direct memory of her own life at that historical period).

Eugenia Oganova offers Transcension training (Transcension Gate MEMBERSHIP), Entrepreneur Soul Strategy mentoring (group and private programs for spiritually ambitious women-entrepreneurs to OWN their POWER, SOUL VALUES and WORTH, and create a PURPOSEFUL, EXCITING and LUCRATIVE business that they are 100% IN LOVE with!), 8-hour Healing Energy Transmissions, and Private Life Directionsessions.


DATE: March 17, 2019

HOST: Kevin Moore

GUEST: Eugenia Oganova

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