
At the age of 21, Katrina Trigg began experiencing a series of transformative spiritual awakenings that radically changed the course of my life. This marked the beginning of her spiritual journey. A compulsive desire to understand life and “discover spirituality” compelled her forward.

Katrina had an on-again, off-again relationship with spirituality throughout her twenties and read voraciously, she became a yoga instructor and went to healings, channelings, churches, and festivals, all in the hope of bringing her closer to the answers she longed for. All while still trying to fit into a life and a body that thought others wanted for her. So, on one side Katrina was meditating, praying, and searching, and on the other, she was numbing, partying, and counting calories.

In her early thirties, Katrina hit a rock bottom and could not push her way through life or numb out any longer. It was in this dark time that she finally surrendered. And, it was spirituality/love/god/the universe, whatever you want to call it, that saved her.

Today, she is all in. As it turns out, spirituality was not something outside of Katrina that she needed to go searching for. Instead, it needed to be uncovered and unearthed. It was inside of her all along, hidden under layers of misbelief.

Currently, she is finding great peace in the study, practice, and teaching of wisdom texts such as The Hermetical and A Course in Miracles and channeling her guides The Wisdom Keepers.

Katrina's mission is to share her story, which she rediscovered knowledge of, and her passion for spirituality with the world. Katrina wants to remind others that they need look no further than within to see that everything they have always longed for was always there.


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