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About Marina Jacobi When Marina was 11 years old, her mom went to a medium and psychic convention. She came back from the convention with a couple of friends who had abilities that Marina couldn’t explain at the time. They performed an energy healing on her, and she almost started to faint, but when all of them surrounded her in a circle and moved their hands in a strange motion, she was immediately fine. Then her mom told her that she could talk to the spirits if she took a pen and tried to write with them. The only instruction to her was to be in a quiet place and let go of her thoughts. Just let the pen go by itself, she said.

In the beginning, her writing was slow, and nothing was happening. To her amazement, after some time Marina saw letters, words, and sentences. In time, she was automatically writing with different beings from different places. If she had a question, she was given suggestions. It was almost like they were always guiding her to be good. She also started to have vivid dreams about relatives which all came true. That was the beginning of her journey in the metaphysical world.

In more recent years, Marina began receiving complex formulas and diagrams on how to construct technological devices to enable human beings to heal themselves, travel to other dimensional realities, and teleport, among others.

Now Marina shares her unique wisdom, knowledge, and expertise in the public arena at conferences, teleconferences, and lectures. It is her life's mission to bring these physical inventions to the material reality to benefit the human race and the planet.


DATE: Jan 31, 2018

HOST: Kevin Moore

GUEST: Marina Jacobi

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